Access of library is only possible if the user have valid college ID card.
Reference Section of the library is open from 08.00 A.M to 8.00 P.M, Students may get 2 (two) books for reading purpose at reading room. Digital library is open from 10.00 A.M to 5.30 P.M.
Timing of Book issues: (Monday to Saturday) 10A.M To 1.30 P.M and 2.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M
Any type of Bag is not allowed inside the Library premises (Reading Room, Library Stack area, Digital Library). Facility of Baggage counter is available in Library.
Students those who have book bank facility will get at least one book /subject.
Library members may borrow 2 (two) CD/DVD for the period of 1 days from digital library.
Loan Period of General Library Books is for 15 Days. Renewal may be allowed for two times for Library Books. For students, Rs. 1/Day/Book fine will be charged for central library & Book bank books if not returned/ renewed on time.
Students must check his/her account (Balance of library Books /Book Bank Books/Others.) before leaving the circulation counter.
Faculty members may borrow 6 books & staff members may borrow 5 books from the Library for 6 months.
Use of Mobile Phone strictly prohibited in Reading Room/Digital Library/Other part of library.
Book Bank book must be deposited after completion of semester examination, No books will be issue to the students for new semester if he/she failed to deposit previous semester books on notified time.
Library members may use library Photocopy facility on the payment basis for those books which is reference and not be allowed to issue outside of library premises.
As digital Library and Reading Room is dedicated for academic purpose, hence accessing or downloading materials other than academic in nature is strictly prohibited.
In case of loss of book(s), user should replace it. If the book is not available in market then he/she should deposit the value of the book in the Account section. In case of rare books, value of the books will be decided by authority.