Message from Director-Industry Alliance

Director Industry Alliance

It gives me immense pleasure in representing the JIS Group Colleges to the corporate world as the Director of Industry Alliances.

JIS Group colleges stay ahead of the curve by getting exposed to outstanding teaching and innovative leadership development programs, which ensure that the students are business ready and are prepared to deliver quantifiable results from day one.

Training & Placement Cell is provided with all the facilities to enable deserving students of JIS Group colleges to get competitive placements. The department is well equipped with excellent infrastructure to support each and every stage of the placement processes in the campus. We impart state of the art training to students to make them competent and inspired engineers, managers and executives. Our students have lived up to the expectations of organizations that visit the campus, looking for bright candidates to take up important and challenging responsibilities at their workplace.

We nurture industry-institute interaction, by organizing and coordinating frequent Webinars, Industrial visits in-plant Training and Projects of industrial relevance for the students, with the sole aim of zeroing down the gap between the Industry and Academia.

Students are also given an opportunity to work on live projects in both government and non-government firms. The college has recorded a high percentage of placements in all the branches of engineering, management and other allied streams which has been the main attraction for students.

T.K. Saha
Director – Industry Alliance

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